Helping Families find and follow jesus

Where friends become family.


August 9th   •   5:30 - 7:30 PM

As a church, we want to focus on sharing Jesus with anyone and everyone. If you have had the opportunity to have a conversation this week, please share it with us below!

Latest Sermon

Oftentimes, in the Bible we see God meet with His people on mountaintops.  It's on the mountaintops that God would reveal truth, command commitment, instruct, and give people a fresh vantage point of Himself and them.  In our Christian journey, mountaintop experiences with God are fresh, exhilarating, fulfilling, and inspiring.  God is still calling us to the mountaintops, perhaps not physically but spiritually, where we can intimately draw close to Him, worship Him, be filled by Him, and empowered to live for Him.  

In this summer series, we will look at many of the stories where God met with His people on the mountaintops through the Old and New Testaments.


Learn more about our Leadership’s vision for Coastal Life…

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